Sunday, September 15, 2024

Church Bake Sale

For the past three days I have been busy helping with the Blessed Trinity Council of Catholic Women bake sale.  I missed last year's as we were in Indiana that weekend.  I also had just joined and wasn't exactly sure how to help.  This year was completely different as I had become a board member and was at the meetings while the bake sale was being planned.  I am not one to bake, but did sign up to work at several masses.  When Robbi asked for volunteers to also help bag and label the baked goods, I made myself available for that as well.  In the end it was a very rewarding experience, and I was extremely glad that I volunteered.

On Friday morning, I arrived at the church at 9 a.m. and helped carry out all of the baked items that had been dropped off to Robbi's van.  We took them to her house and spent the morning and part of the early afternoon bagging, labeling and getting the baked goods ready for the sale.  We only sampled one cookie while we were there and that was because we weren't sure if it had nuts or not.  It was very good and I made a note to buy a bag or two of them tomorrow at the actual sale.  We finished up in time to go to a late lunch together at McAlister's. I got to know a lot more about Robbi and really enjoyed the day.

Yesterday, I bagged up some of my own baked items and took them to the church at 2:30.  I didn't help with set up because I had to work the gift shop before the 4 p.m. mass.  I did stay after mass to help.  I was impressed with how many people showed up to purchase bags of cookies, breads and muffins.  We were all pleased with the amount that we sold in such a short period of time.  I bought some cookies for Doug and Phil to try during the IU game tonight.  They were delicious.

Today, I was back at the church at 9:15 to help once again.  It was a lot of fun.  We weren't the only ones that were selling items or promoting our ministry.  The boy scouts were there with spaghetti dinner tickets.  Father Pat's book was for sale along with fair trade coffee and teas.  Barry had a table set up with the Catholic science book that he was promoting and a place to sign up for prayers to St. Bernadette that he will deliver when he travels to Ireland in October.  I stayed until noon helping with the sale.  Our bake goods were so popular that we weren't sure that we would have enough for the 5 p.m. mass that night.  I was happy to be a part of such a positive experience.  It was the reason that I joined BTCCW last fall and was very glad that I did.

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