Monday, September 9, 2024

Happy Birthday CrapPa

Today was my grandpa‘s birthday. Although I never stop thinking about him or forget what he meant to me, there are times that I do not remember what date it is. Thus, I love that every September 9 the first thing on my Facebook memories is this wonderful picture of my grandpa and I at my wedding. It wasn’t staged. It’s just who we were. He loved to give me a hard time, and I loved to be around him. That is so obvious from my smile. My grandfather and I spent tons of time together, even after he moved to Florida. He meant the world to me and was such an important part of my life. The wedding photo shows that and the memories in my heart know that.

Today, this picture reminded me not only of my own grandpa, but also the relationship that my own children have with their grandparents. I have had a lot of time to reflect about grandparents and children this past year. I love that my children feel the way about their grandparents that I felt about mine. They love visiting them, love hearing their stories, enjoy hanging out with them, and continually share their favorite memories of them to me. Each one has a special place in my heart and I just love watching that. They have been a support system for my children since the day that they were born, and it's nice to know that they were such an important part of their growing up days. Everyone knew Grandpa Cutes and Grandma Jane who lovingly became Backroads Bill and Mainroad Muss to Cal's friends. They were at every event that the kids participated in and watched every sports match that they could. They bought tickets to Fish Frys and took them golfing. My children spent countless nights at their house, fishing, playing cards, or just hanging out. My parents will forever live in my children’s heart, just like my own grandparents do.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about my children having children of their own. I want to be a grandparent that my grandchildren will remember, no matter how far away I live. I want to make memories with them. I want to support them. I want to be an active part of their lives with no strings attached. I don’t want to hold money over their head for them to contact me or manipulate them into visiting me. I want them to hang out with me because they love me and I love them. That bond can only happen if it starts young. So, no matter where my grandchildren are, I will make a concerted effort to be a part of their life. Unconditional love is the best legacy that I can leave my family.  It would also be the best way to honor a grandfather who taught me the true meaning of the phrase many years ago.

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