Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Rain Cloud

For the past several years, it felt like a rain cloud followed over our family. It was as if anything that could go wrong, did. It wasn’t just minor things, but life-changing events that made a huge impact on our family.

Because of that, I realize that I have lost a lot of optimism about life. Whenever something happens, that could go well or could have a tragic end, I always assume the worst. I didn’t used to be that way, but life is hard and it’s challenging to rebound from that.  I have tried really hard, and I have prayed a lot, but sometimes it feels like nothing will ever go our way again.

Currently, we are dealing with the situation that just won’t resolve itself. Most days, I can be patient about it. Other days, however, I just want to cry. It’s hard when all you can do is wait for something, not knowing if it’s good news coming or bad. Every time I think about it positively, something in the pit of my stomach tells me that there’s no way anything good could ever happen again. Hopefully, I won’t feel like this forever, and I will find a way to deal with this feeling of impending doom. No one can go through life, always scared of what’s around the corner. Someone said that all dark skies do not produce rain, so for now, I’ll just believe that soon the rain cloud above me will breeze on by.

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