Sunday, February 11, 2018

A Weekend of Winter

This weekend was a good one for those who enjoy staying at home.  The nine or so inches of snow that we received on Friday cancelled most plans for that day.  Our road did not become fully plowed until late yesterday afternoon.  Because of that I spent forty-eight straight hours in the house.  I had plenty to do since elearning took up most of my day Friday.  Yesterday I caught up on everything that needed done at home.  Therefore, I wasn't sure that I really wanted to spend another day in the house today and was thankful that the two to five inches of snow that had been predicted for this morning ended up only being a light coating.

We all started our day at 11 a.m. mass.  Jackie had spent the night last night and went with us as well. She texted her Dad afterward to let him know that she had been baptized in the Catholic faith.  We all got a laugh out of his response, "Swirlies don't count."  Jackie and Meg went to lunch at Dairy Queen while the rest of us ate pancakes at home.  Doug had to run her to Bethany at 3 p.m. and was pleased to report that the roads were completely cleared.  We decided that we would go to Buffalo Wild Wings for an early dinner once he and Meg got home since I had cabin fever.  We took Cam to my parents' afterward.  He and my Dad had made plans to see "The Greatest Showman" uptown tonight.  They really enjoyed it and were surprised by how many moviegoers there were.  While they were out Meg worked on homework and Doug and I rented "The Revenant" on Vudu.  It was intense, but worth the rental.  Although our day was still pretty quiet, it was nice to leave the house for awhile.

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