Monday, December 25, 2023

A Very Merry Christmas in Florida

Everyone agreed to open gifts at 10 a.m. this morning so no one had to wake up early.  Cameron got up in time to show us all his Heat Miser hairdo before our Christmas morning started.  Just as in years past, we started with our stockings where all received a fun graphic tee, candy and a mixed cocktail to try later.  We then moved on to presents with Cameron and Meg playing Santa as always.  There were a lot of gifts for everyone to open and definitely no complaints about the contents.  There were some surprises and a few gifts that were requested.  Doug had a new Portillo's shirt to match his love of the Chicago chain.  Brett's new leather coat was a big hit as was Cal's winter jacket for the cold Chicago weather.  Meg had several new books to read including Jane Austin's Emma.  Nick was just as happy about his new glass chicken hot sauce jar as Doug was giving it to him.  Cameron was adorned with several new beloved Lions items and I was thrilled to have a DVD set of all of the Peanuts specials.  Everything went very well, and overall, I had a lot of fun watching our family enjoy Christmas morning.  

Doug made a wonderful ham dinner for all of us this afternoon.  Phil joined us for that and an afternoon of playing Nick's new game, Wavelength.  There was also time for several rounds of ping pong and Cataan.  Meg took a break to set up her new iPad while the guys were busy.  Cameron and I got out Mastermind and Cal watched football.  Everyone made time to call or text Grandma and Grandpa "Merry Christmas" as well.  

This evening, some of us watched It's A Wonderful Life while others read their new books or watched Home Alone.  It was a relaxing night compared to how busy we had been the past few days.  I know that everyone was very happy for that.  I wasn't sure how Christmas would be in Florida, but I do have to say that it was absolutely wonderful and I was so very happy that all of our family could join us here.  

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