Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Decision Justified

I have noticed lately that there have been a lot of posts from teachers that have decided to resign their positions.  With the constant news about teacher shortages, it doesn't surprise me.  I cannot disagree with their reasonings, but usually don't put much time into reading these long passages.  Lack of pay, unsupportive administrators, worthless training sessions, added workload, oversized classes, ineffective one-to-one strategies, and disinterested parents all sound familiar to me.  I don't like to be reminded of the downfalls of public education.  We lived it as a family and are thrilled to be done with that portion of our lives.

One post, however, recently caught my attention as it added the real reason that I quit teaching.  The author realized it before I did, but after six years of constant teaching commitments it dawned on me that I wasn't able to change the world with my students.  I had tried and I had made important connections as a mentor, but overall I just didn't feel as though much had changed at school by me giving up hours and hours of my free time to be a "highly effective" teacher.  The true contribution that I could make in life was supporting the four children in the Heinisch family.  Being there for them, supporting their interests, helping them navigate life's challenges and encouraging them through the tough times was my contribution to making the world a better place.  This was what I focused on this past year and what I will continue to spend my time and energy on going forward.  It may have taken me some time to figure this out, but watching Brett graduate with his MPA, sending Cal off to his first internship, helping Meg through an emotionally challenging year, all while being the stay at home Mom to Cameron that I had never been was definitely one of the best decisions that Doug and I have ever made.

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