Saturday, March 11, 2023

Senior Trip

Cameron arrived home late last night exhausted, but happy from a successful senior trip.  I wasn't quite sure how it would go as they had less on their agenda in Pigeon Forge than Meg did when she spent the week in Chicago.  The amenities of the lodge that they stayed in this year, however, helped make up the difference in schedules.  

We had heard from Cameron via text several times during the week, so we knew that he had thoroughly enjoyed the pool, spa, billiards table, game room, movie theater and more that the lodge had to offer.  He called on Tuesday after his hike through the Smokey Mountains to let us know that he had survived the steep path to the waterfall.  He also let me know that he was glad that I wasn't there as I would have never been able to handle the trail.  Wednesday was filled with fun activities including laser tag, go carts and miniature golf.  Thursday was spent at Ripley's aquarium, lunch in Gatlinburg and some shopping.  

Except for a few minor annoyances than always occur during a week long adventure with classmates, overall it was a wonderful senior trip for the class of 2023.  Doug and I were both happy that Cameron and Meg had the chance to experience this time with their friends.  They each made memories that would last a lifetime.

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