Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Happy 22nd Birthday, Miss Meg!

Today Meg celebrated her "Taylor Swift birthday" by turning 22.  She had really been looking forward to it and I am thrilled that she had such a wonderful day.  It began with Nick singing his own version of Happy Birthday to her at midnight and was followed by texts and messages from family and friends shortly afterward.  She still had to go to class during the day, but overall that was even fun as she attended her favorite one, History of the Blues.  

Tonight, Meg went to a new Italian restaurant in Greenwood with Carson, Maddy, Mallory and Stella.  They all loved it and as a special treat, Gabrielle met them there as well.  The girls took pictures together, enjoyed the Pope decorations, and had Meg try Sangria.  Overall, it was a lot of fun and I was so glad that she had this time together with her friends since we could not be there and Nick was flying.  

I talked to Meg several times throughout the day.  It was a lot of fun listening to her talk about her birthday.  She loved the 22 pictures that I posted on FaceBook, sending me ones that were her favorites.  She thought it was funny that Mrs. Mahnensmith wished "Miss Meg" a Happy Birthday as her favorite elementary teacher had been calling her that since first grade.   Meg also enjoyed Grandma's post,  Cameron's snapchat story, and all of the pictures that Grandpa sent her via text.  She heard from so many people today, even friends from middle school, that it really made her birthday feel special.   Meg said that 22 sounded so much older than 21 and she was more than ready for that.  I could definitely agree with her and was thrilled to hear that the first day of her 22nd year had started off in fantastic fashion.

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