Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Waiting Game

We spent the majority of the day checking for updates on the Southwest app and the website FlightAware regarding Avery and Cameron's flight.  It had delayed early in the morning and the time kept growing throughout the day.  Between the shortage of air traffic controllers in Jacksonville and the storms in central Florida every flight into and out of the state was delayed today.  Thankfully, the Rusel family took the boys to the Indianapolis airport, so if there was a problem, they'd be there to help.

While we waited, we played Ticket to Ride and checked out the Catholic Church in Ocala, The Queen of Peace.  We enjoyed both and also talking to Meg on the phone.  Nick had arrived in Chicago last night and they spent today exploring the Lincoln Park Zoo and Navy Pier.  They had a lot of fun and finally got to ride the giant Ferris Wheel.

We talked to Cameron multiple times throughout the day.  They made it to the airport, ate a sandwich and walked through security without any issues.  He and Avery were still very upbeat for having to wait.  We finally got a text Cameron at 8:30 p.m. that said that they were boarding the plane.  We were thrilled, but still a little skeptical that they would take off anytime soon.  Thankfully, they were soon taxiing to the runway and we saw the app update that they had left Indiana at 8:47, just under two hours late.  Doug and I headed to the car so that we could make it to the Orlando airport, park and find seats by the tram exit before they landed.  After only ten minutes of waiting, we saw them walking through the exit, tired but happy. 

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