Friday, July 15, 2022

A Quiet Day

Today was a quiet one for me.  I woke up early, but didn't get up and moving until after 8 a.m.  I had gotten a text from Brett at 2 a.m. that his plane had been delayed on the tarmac for two hours.  I decided not to call him until after 10:30 a.m. so he could get some sleep.  While I was waiting for him to get up, I took a walk and called Meg instead.  She had a virtual conference today and didn't have to log on until 10 a.m.  It was nice catching up with her.  She went on a "coffee walk" with Cal yesterday and enjoyed that.  

Cameron called me this afternoon on his way home from tennis camp.  He was super excited about his week and his role as a senior leader on the team.  He had played a lot of tennis and had found success on the court.  He had also enjoyed all of the activities that Matt had planned, especially hide 'n seek in the church.  He planned on a low key night at home once he helped Avery get his boarding pass for tomorrow's flight.

I also got to talk to Cal this afternoon as he called me on his way to Indianapolis.  He had plans to hang out with Mark this weekend.  We spent our entire conversation catching up on the eighth episode of "Better Call Saul."  It had been extremely intense and he liked all of the twists and turns that it brought.  Cal absolutely loved Mike and his role on the show.  I agreed with him 100%.  I was a little sad, however, at the final scene, but other than that we both thoroughly enjoyed the episode.  

Tonight Doug and I decided to take it easy, order pizza and play Ticket to Ride.  We had had a wonderful week with Brett, but had been out every night.  Thus, a quiet evening was a perfect way to rejuvenate and prepare for Cameron and his friends to arrive tomorrow.  We did hear from Brett after work as he was heading to Sean's.  He was exhausted, but happy.  We could totally relate.  

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