Monday, July 4, 2022

A Quiet 4th of July

It was a quiet day in the Heinisch Home this fourth of July.  Doug worked from home this morning.  Cameron and Meg went to McAllister's for lunch while I picked up from a busy weekend.  This afternoon Cameron and I watched the final episode of Stranger Things.  Meg joined us when she wasn't packing for her return trip to Chicago.  There were some really sad scenes this season and some confusing parts.  Overall, we liked the season, just wished for a different ending. 

Cameron went to Samuel's for a get together later in the day while we took Meg to the South Shore train.  It arrived right on time and soon she was heading back to the Windy City.  She said that she had really enjoyed her time at home, but was ready to return to the working world.  I was glad to hear that.  She's really enjoyed her internship so far.  The train ride was pretty quiet and she only had to walk a block and a half to her apartment from the train station.

I ordered pizza for Doug's birthday dinner.  We thought that it was going to rain, but thankfully it held off long enough to have a bonfire.  We also enjoyed some time on the front porch before finishing the evening with a movie.  We picked Rocky 4 as it was Rocky weekend on AMC.  Doug headed to bed before it was over.  I not only watched the ending, but had also started Balboa before Cameron got home.  We talked for quite awhile and ended up finishing that movie as well.  It was definitely one of the quietest fourths that we had ever had, but enjoyable none the same.  

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