Sunday, July 3, 2022

Happy Early Birthday Doug!

Since Meg had to leave tomorrow for Chicago and Doug had to work, we decided to celebrate his 52nd birthday today.  We couldn't start until late in the afternoon as he wanted to finish cutting up the logs form the storm two weeks ago and move them into the lot.  He also had some yard work to finish as well.  That was ok with Meg and Cameron as Meg went to Hacienda with Nick and Cameron went to Planet Fitness with Samuel.  

We decided that the best way to celebrate with Doug was to play games, cookout and have a bonfire.  Doug did all of the cooking which was the way he preferred it.  He even made a carrot cake for dessert.  It was delicious.  Nick was the big loser on the night as earned the "L" in Chameleon, corn hole and Hearts.  My parents joined us for the gift giving.  Doug received some fantastic presents this year - PBR from Brett, his favorite snacks from Cameron, a Bulls shirt from Meg, and the Toys in the Attic vinyl from me.  My parents brought up a propane fire pit for him which he absolutely loved.  We ended the night by the bonfire.  Overall, it was a wonderful celebration and we all enjoyed the family time.  

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