Tuesday, July 5, 2022

AP Scores

All of the Heinisch children have taken AP and dual credit classes in high school.  This year was Cameron's first as he took AP English literature and composition.  It was definitely the most challenging class that he had taken in his educational career.  He had put a lot of effort into it and was pleased with the two As that he had received both this semester and in the fall.

Today Cameron came home from working out and asked me if I had checked the AP scores as they had come out today.  I thought that they were due later in July, so I hadn't even thought about it.  I knew that the test had been challenging, and in all honesty was hoping for a 3 for Cameron.  Thus, I was completely surprised when I saw a 5 on his report sheet.  I was equally impressed as Paula had told me that it was incredibly difficult to receive the top score.

Cameron was obviously pleased with his AP English score.  I was glad that he was proud of his effort in the class and on the test.  The best part was that he would receive college credit for that score no matter where he chose to go to college.  All of his siblings had started their freshmen year with at least a semester of college credit.  It not only made life in college easier, but also helped them graduate on time or even earlier than their peers.  That in turn helped with the cost of tuition as well.  Overall, we have been extremely proud of the Heinisch children's success in and out of high school.  Thankful, that Cameron has chosen that path as well.  

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