Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Mr. Mini Golf vs The Undefeated Summer Champion

Cameron pointed out to me this weekend that he hadn't played miniature golf at Paige's Crossing all summer.  Since Doug had to work late tonight, I asked him if he was interested in going this evening.  Once he said that he was ready for a rematch, we decided to ask Grandma and Grandpa to go with us.  On the way there Cameron pointed out that he was undefeated at mini golf this summer.  I was positive that I was going to change that record, but Cameron pointed out how poorly I played at the Hoosier Putt Hole earlier in the summer.  After that I wasn't quite as confident in my ability to dethrone him.

We started on the B course at Paige's Crossing and Grandpa soon jumped into the lead.  Cameron and I both tried our best to catch him, but in the end Grandpa won the first eighteen holes.  We decided to give it one more try and played the C course next.  Cameron had several holes in one on the first nine and it looked like he would win easily.  Grandpa wouldn't give up, however, and soon Cameron needed a hole in one on the last hole to win the two round score.  Cameron scored low enough to win the C course, but lost by two shots overall.  I finished in third place with Grandma trailing behind.

Even though Cameron lost his crown tonight, we all had fun playing.  Grandpa held on to the title Mr. Mini Golf and Cameron could still claim to be undefeated with his friends this summer.  We celebrated our outing with dinner at Dairy Queen.  It's rare that I have fast food and I enjoyed my dinner of a chili dog and sundae.  It was a great way to end the evening.

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