Saturday, July 9, 2022

Cedar Point

After Meg and Nick went to Cedar Point in May, he decided that he wanted to get an annual pass.  They were having a special.  If he bought it by Memorial Day, he would only have to go twice to make it worth the money.  Once Meg heard that he was buying one, she asked Cameron if he would be interested in going with Nick.  He definitely was and they made plans to go today.

Cedar Point was a further drive from our house than Holiday World was from Brett's, but Cameron said that it was worth it.  There were bigger roller coasters and more to chose from at the park.  It was also more modern according to Cameron.  They rode everything that was available to them and both were thankful that the rain held off.  Cameron decided to stay away from "fair food" today and had Panda Express for lunch.  He said that was a better choice than the funnel cake and fried Reese's that he had at Holiday World.  The shopping wasn't as good, however, as he didn't find anything as fun as his bucket hat from the park in Santa Claus, Indiana.

It was after 11 p.m. when Cameron and Nick arrived home.  They were tired, but had a great day.  Nick plans to take Brett on his next trip in August.  I'm interested in hearing what Brett has to say about the park.  He hasn't been there since middle school.  I am sure that he will like it just as much as Nick and Cameron did today.

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