Thursday, July 28, 2022

From Here to There and Everywhere In Between

Cameron and I started our morning in Goshen.  He needed to have his Meningitis B vaccination before school started and 9:15 today worked best with our schedule and the doctor's office.  We drove two cars so that he could go to tennis conditioning right afterward and I could go grocery shopping.  On our way to the doctor, I received a call from Warsaw Family Eye Care.  Cameron had wanted to get contacts and the only appointment they had when I called last week was the end of August.  They were calling today to say that they had several cancellations and could get him in earlier.  I knew that we had a crazy schedule today, but thought we'd be able to make it to the eye doctor at noon. 

The vaccine went well and Cameron was soon on his way to Bethany.  I hurried over to the carwash.  I needed to clean it out from our trip home from Florida last weekend.  I did my best to finish as quickly as possible and was soon on my way to Menards and Walmart.  I felt like I was in an episode of Supermarket Sweep while getting groceries.  I needed to get out of the Walmart by 11 a.m. to make it home in time to put the refrigerated items away before leaving for Warsaw.  Thankfully, my many trips to Walmart over the past year paid off and I was able to grab everything and self check out by 10:45.

Cameron was home when I arrived.  Tennis ended early and he had time to shower before we needed to leave.  The eye doctor went well.  Cameron was fitted for contacts and will go back on Monday at 2 p.m. to learn how to wear them.  They said that it normally takes an hour.  We next stopped at Panda Express for lunch.  Cameron had to eat in the car so that we could make it home in time for his  haircut appointment at 1:45.  We pulled in with five minutes to spare before he had to leave.

While Cameron was at Amanda's, I spent some time on the garage sale and then took a short walk.  Doug and I had a financial planning meeting with Dave Sands at 5.  I hadn't even showered yet with our busy day.  I had just enough time to do so before Dave and Doug arrived.  We met for about an hour with Dave answering all of our questions and giving us a lot of good information.  Once he left I told Doug that today was one that I was extremely glad that we had set it up for me to stop teaching.  Today was crazy with all of the running around and I was thankful to be able to accomplish so much without having to worrying about anything except helping out our family.  

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