Monday, July 11, 2022

Tennis Camp

There are a lot of wonderful reasons to be a part of Bethany's tennis team.  A supportive tennis coaching staff, lots of fun teammates, skill building and even the pure exercise of the sport are just a few of those.  The best part in my mind, however, occurs this week when the team heads to Angola for a weeklong tennis camp.  There's time not only for tennis, but fellowship and worship as well.  The boys play tennis in the morning and afternoon, have fun activities planned for the evening including swimming, spike ball and more, got out to dinner, and spend the night in Matt's childhood church.  It has to be one of the best team building activities that any of our children have had in all of their high school activities and we appreciate the dedication Matt has to the program.

Today Cameron left bright and early for his week away.  We had packed his bags earlier in the week and he had a full suitcase with him, a tennis bag, sleeping bag and pillow with him when he walked out the door.  I thought about texting him tonight to see how it was going, but Doug said to give him some space as we knew that he would be enjoying his time with the tennis team.  At the end of the day I found a short video and a picture of the sunset on our camera roll.  I was glad that I had texted him as I could tell from his smiling fact that he was having a great time. 

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