Sunday, July 10, 2022

An Instagram Kind of Weekend

This weekend was filled with Instagram posts by the Heinisch children.  Meg's weekend was packed with activities from her concert with Angelica to her night out with Gabby to her lunch at Old Crowe with Nick.  Not every one on of her pictures made Instagram, but I did get to see all of them on our shared iCloud photo roll.  I was not only glad to see the pictures of all that she was doing in Chicago with her friends, but that she was having a lot of fun too.

Cameron had a full weekend of activity as well.  Besides going to Cedar Point with Nick, he also hung out with the tennis team at Ethan's 16th birthday party Saturday afternoon, spent the night at Samuel's on Saturday night, got up at 3:30 a.m. to drive to Samuel's triathlon in Forth Wayne watching him finish in first place, and played golf as well.  He was absolutely exhausted tonight, but still made time to lose to Grandpa at Buck Euchre before crashing for the night.

Cal doesn't post a lot on Instagram, so I know that he must have been extremely impressed with Taste of Chicago.  He not only texted us about how much he was enjoying the food, but also posted a picture of a "large slice" of Chicago pizza.  Doug really enjoyed that as he absolutely loved Taste of Chicago when we lived in the area.  

Brett doesn't follow Instagram as he seems to be more of a Facebook/Twitter social media user.  Thus, he didn't have any pictures on Instagram today.  Even so, he still had an action packed weekend highlighted by a get together with his Bible study Saturday night at a multi-family event.  He has really enjoyed hanging out with his friends from that group.  It's always interesting to hear what they debated or where they ate or what interesting antic happened when they get together.  

Social media gets a lot of press on being negative for young adults.  I understand the concerns, but overall I have really appreciated it.  Instagram definitely gives me a chance to get a glimpse into the Heinisch children life and what's important to them.  From pictures to music posts to group activities, it has been a welcomed platform in our lives.  Now if we could just get Brett to use it.

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