Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Orlando for the Day

Thankfully, Jordan's game did not start until 1:30 p.m. today.  That allowed the boys to sleep in and for Doug to join us in Orlando this afternoon.  While the boys went to the soccer tournament, Doug and I headed to EPCOT for lunch.  The food and wine festival was in full swing and we got to try several dishes that we didn't get to last week.  Everything was delicious.  Since the weather was still very hot, we decided to ride Living with the Land to cool off before we had to be back to the soccer field.  

Jordan's team lost 2-0 this time, but it was a much better game from their fans perspective.  The boys decided that they wanted to try go karting this afternoon.  Neither Doug nor I had ever been, so we weren't quite sure how to set it up.  We finally found one only 15 minutes from the soccer field.  The boys had a great time racing one another with Samuel almost lapping the field.  

It started to lightening again once they finished go karting.  We had planned to go miniature golfing at Fantasia Mini-Golf, but they had closed the course due to the weather.  The boys played corn hole for awhile instead and then we all met the Ross Richer family for dinner.  We had suggested Ford's Garage, but it was packed.  They found a quaint Mexican restaurant instead that we all really enjoyed.  We headed back to Ocala after dinner and were thankful to be back a little earlier tonight.  Doug, Samuel and Cameron even had time for a game of Ticket to Ride before calling it a night.  

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