Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Garage Sale Blues

This weekend Doug helped me get the tables set up for the garage sale.  It seemed early as we were having one with the town wide garage sale event on August 4th to the 6th, but we both knew that it would take all of that time to set up.  Since it was at our house, I had the luxury of working on it for a few hours each day instead of getting ready for it all at once.  For having a garage sale last summer, I couldn't believe all that we had accumulated in just a year.  The worst was the clothes.  I quickly ran out of space for all of them and had to become creative in how I would put them out at the sale.  We decided that we would mark everything low as we planned on donating whatever was left.  Except for Cameron's Mario Kart track, the vintage Fisher Price and a few pieces of furniture, there will be very few items over $2 on our tables.  After talking to Meg and Cameron, we did change our mind about selling the Playmobil Circus.  The two of them had had a lot of fun with it and thought it'd be great to have at our home if and when we ever had grandchildren.

After a day of working off and on in the humidity, I was thankful that Doug said that he didn't have to work tonight and that Cameron wanted to play cards.  I definitely was ready for a break.  Grandma and Grandpa came up to play Oh Hell after our Pizza Hut dinner.  I know that there will be more to do these next couple of days, but at least I made a dent in the work today.  After this summer, only one more garage sale to go.  Then we can be done forever.

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