Saturday, July 2, 2022


Our neighbor told us several weeks ago that he and his live-in girlfriend of thirteen years were going to get married today at their home in an outside wedding.  They were then going to have a reception at our other neighbor's house outside under a tent.  They wanted us to know as they thought that it would be really loud.  They had suggested that we might not want to be at home, but Doug and I both thought that it would be better if we were here.  We did tell the Heinisch children about it.  Cal decided to stay in Chicago and have friends up for the weekend.  Brett had to work, so it didn't really affect him.  Meg went to Nick's and Cameron headed to Samuel's.

In the end, the wedding wasn't too much louder than a normal Friday or Saturday night here.  The music wasn't quite our taste, but it didn't ruin the weekend.  We were able to pull out the projector and put Jaws on the big screen.  With our new speakers, we could barely hear their music.  We even called Cameron and let him know that it was ok to return home.  He made it back before we finished the movie.

Jaws has been our go to July 4th big screen movie for the past three years.  In fact, we had watched it on this night every night since 2020.  We didn't plan it that way.  It just seemed like the best way to spend July 2nd - a bonfire and Jaws.  The movie was just as good as it had been the past.  As many times as I have seen the movie, I'm always amazed at a new scene or something that I have forgotten from our past screenings.  

I didn't always love the movie, Jaws.  My parents took me to see it the summer it came out.  I was six years old and it absolutely terrified me.  I remember being scared not only of the ocean, but also the lake, the pool and even the bathtub.  I was positive that a shark was lurking in any body of water that I was near and I did everything possible to stay away from being submerged for any length of time.  Thankfully, I have outgrown my fear and now enjoy the movie for the pure entertainment of it.  It's the perfect July 4th movie and I hope it stays on our big screen watching agenda for years to come.   

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