Saturday, July 30, 2022

Meg's Quick Trip Home

Meg and Nick arrived home last night in time for a late dinner.  Doug had made macaroni and cheese in anticipation of them joining us.  We enjoyed catching up with them before an early bedtime.  They were planning on leaving at 7:30 tomorrow morning for Detroit.  Nick's brother, Trent, was getting married at 12:30 and they wanted to be there early.  

Doug was up to see them off as he woke up at 4:30 and started working shortly after that.  I decided to sleep in as I was exhausted from a long week.  Fortunately, Doug was able to get some rest later in the afternoon.  I was glad as it was rare that he ever took a nap.

I spent most of today working on the garage sale.  Meg texted me multiple times to give me an update on their day.  They arrived an hour before the wedding and hung out at the hotel with Nancy and Kyle before heading to the ceremony.  Only Nick's and his new sister-in-law's immediate families were invited along with the pastor's family, so it was definitely an intimate gathering.  Meg said that the ceremony was very nice.  Her favorite part occurred when Nick accidentally photo bombed one of the couples pictures.  

Meg liked the restaurant that was chosen for the reception.  It started a little later than expected, so Nick and Meg didn't get to leave as early as they thought that they would.  They enjoyed ice cream with Nick's parents as well as his brother Jeff before heading out.  We were happy to hear that they had enjoyed themselves, and thankful for a safe trip back home.  

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