Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Thirty-One Years Ago

Doug and I were so incredibly busy yesterday that we both kind of forgot until late in the day that we had gotten engaged on June 13th, 1992, shortly after he graduated from IU.  We were so young then and so hopeful for a wonderful life.  As I remember that day and all that has transpired since, it is almost overwhelming to realize that all of our hopes and dreams had come true.  Our biggest goal was to raise a family together and spend as much time with them as possible.  We wanted to own a house that they could truly call home and be involved in their lives without being overbearing.  I believe that yesterday was proof that we had reached our goals and more.  

Bloomington had meant the world to us then and still does today.  There was no way to know thirty-one years ago that we would celebrate the anniversary of our engagement by attending our final new student orientation with our youngest, helping our daughter move out of her college apartment and driving by our second born’s infamous house all while staying with our oldest in the same town where we first met.  I couldn't think of a better place to be or a more appropriate way to celebrate the life that we promised to one another so long ago.  


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