Saturday, June 10, 2023

Physical Therapy and a Plan

Although Doug wasn't thrilled with the neurologist or occupational therapist that we saw in May, he scheduled an appointment with a physical therapist at their clinic this week while he was working in Florida.  He figured that it couldn't hurt and the doctors did agree that the PT might be able to better figure out what was going on through a series of physical tests.  The only bad part was that it would extend his trip by a day, but we both thought that it was worth it.

Doug called me as soon as his appointment was over yesterday morning to tell me that everything had gone very well.  The woman that he had worked with put him through a series of tests to get a baseline of movement and strength for him.  She also went through his current stretching routine with him explaining some of the exercises in more detail.  After an hour long session, she was able to tell Doug that he was only dealing with a tremor.  His strength and movement were in the normal range.  She strongly encouraged him to exercise as much and as hard as he could as that would help him the most.  

Doug called as soon as he left the neurology clinic.  He was extremely relieved to hear the physical therapist's opinion.  He also explained each test that they ran on him and what the numbers meant.  He went over his plan to add stretching and a more rigorous exercise routine to his schedule.  It was the first time in a long time that he had sounded like himself and I was so happy for him.  I told our children and my parents right away.  Everyone was thrilled to hear the news.  It will take me some time to stop worrying about Doug, but hopefully soon I will be able to relax just like everyone else.  

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