Saturday, October 15, 2022

IU vs. Maryland

Our weekend of fun in Bloomington continued today at the IU vs. Maryland football game.  Doug and Cameron arrived first to secure a prime spot in the grass lots.  I followed shortly afterward.  Meg, Nick, Carson, Cal and Rachel showed up just a little bit later.  Doug had made Italian beef and Mexirolls for our pregame meal.  That along with Rachel's Buffalo chicken dip, some muffins from Kroger and Grandma Jane's peanut butter cookies made for a delicious lunch.  It was a lot of fun talking to everyone and a lot warmer than last Saturday.  The truck beside us had a television set up with the Michigan vs. Penn State game playing.  We all appreciated being able to keep up on the score of that game.

We started cleaning up around 3 p.m so that those of us going to the game could make it for the 3:30 kickoff.  Meg and Carson had free tickets as the football program gave them to all students staying on campus this weekend.  Nick sat with them.  Cameron, Doug and I had seats together in the section above them.  Cal and Rachel decided to go back to Meg's to watch the game there.  We all enjoyed the game, just not the outcome.  IU kept it close, but just couldn't overcome some offensive blunders and weak defensive.  IU lost 38-33.

We headed back to Meg and Brett's after the game.  We talked about going out to dinner, but decided since most restaurants were packed and we were all tired from a long afternoon that we would order Pizza X instead.  I was still freezing from the game, so I was very happy to stay in for the night.  Just like last evening there was a lot of lively conversation going on while we ate.  We also were able to catch up on the other football games from the day as well as those still in progress this evening.  No one was sad to see Alabama lose to Tennessee or to watch Notre Dame get beat.  Today was definitely a busy one which left me completely exhausted.  It was a good kind of tired, however, filled with so much love for the Heinisch family and their friends.

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