Thursday, October 6, 2022

Anxiety Revisted

I had problems with anxiety around seven years ago.  It stemmed from a specific incident but was exasperated by my job.  It took a lot of work, but ultimately I was able to learn how to manage my anxiety without making it the main focus of my life.  Issues would arise every now and then, but overall I could use what I had learned to keep my anxiety in check.  I even learned how to fall asleep when I woke up in the middle of the night upset about something that I couldn't control.

The past few months, however, that has changed greatly.  We have had some extremely stressful issues arise in the Heinisch home and it has taken all that I have to manage the anxiety that those situations have caused.  I've cried more these past two months than I have in a long time and I have definitely had difficulty sleeping.  All of this has left me drained.   I had hoped for an easy transition into our next stage of life, but that wasn't meant to be.  Thankfully, I have still been able to keep on top of the anxiety.  Taking long walks, listening to podcasts and being honest about how I feel has really helped.  Meg and Doug remind me all of the time that soon this will all be a memory.  I know that they are right.  I also realize that this  will just better prepare me for the next time that I have to deal with a stressful situation.  I am definitely hoping that that isn't any time soon.  

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