Thursday, May 19, 2022

Nice to Have Meg Home

Meg has only been home a few days, but I've already really enjoyed having her here.  When she hasn't been at doctor's appointments or catching up with friends, we have been busy cleaning out her possessions in the basement.  Most of the items have been memory pieces that I've kept for her over the years.  It was a daunting task and I wasn't sure how it would go.  Thankfully, sorting through everything wasn't as bad as either of us thought it would be.  In fact it was actually really fun.  While I was pulling items out of tubs for Meg to look at she was showing me some of her favorite memories.  A Lilo & Stitch bathing suit, a baby outfit and a dance shirt were all on that list.  She also chose to share some of the funnier items from her childhood - her 3rd grade writing journal which featured all of the times she was mad at Cal ("his jokes aren't even funny") or the handmade paper bag puppet where she drew the face on the wrong side of the bag.  We laughed about that one for at least a day.  

Tonight was another example of how nice it is to have Meg home.  She walked along with us at Cameron's golf match.  When things got tense (a missed putt or an out of bounds), she'd look at me and say something like "That's it, the next time Cameron hits a ball I'm yelling 'Jackass'" (a Happy Gilmore reference.)  Her best comment of the night occurred when Cameron was on the third hole, behind a tree, looking through his range finder, hoping to get on the green.  She turned to me and said,  "I really don't even think he needs that.  He could totally use the spyglass from the Peter Pan set that we just cleaned out of the toy room."  I laughed out loud on that one.  I could just imagine the reaction of all of the intense number ones that Cameron had been playing with lately if he did that.  When she suggested it later in the evening to Cameron, he even laughed at that one.

My favorite moment of having Meg home, however, wasn't cleaning out anything or listening to her one liners.  It was instead the picture that we took this evening.  While we were waiting for Cameron's group to putt on the second hole, Grandpa Cutes took a picture of Grandma Jane, Meg and I.  I couldn't remember the last time that we had a picture of just the three of us.  It turned out very well and was a great way to commemorate Meg's time at home.  

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