Friday, May 6, 2022

"I Can't Believe That I am A Senior in College"

Meg called us on the way home from Cameron's match last night to let us know that she had taken the last final of her junior year.  She felt that she had done well on it and overall was very happy with her grades this semester.  She also said that she could not believe that she was no officially a senior in college.  The time had flown by fast for her as it seemed only yesterday that she had graduated from high school.  

Meg had enjoyed her junior year very much.  She had learned a lot in her classes and thoroughly enjoyed her Beach Boys one.  She had had a lot of fun with her friends, especially Maddie and Carson.  She was involved with her church and was very glad for her job at Bell Trace.  

As well as her junior year had gone, Meg was more than ready for a break from school.  She hadn't had a summer off from classes since she started at IU.  She was extremely excited for her upcoming trip to Florida with Nick and most importantly her internship with Plante Moran.  Overall, it was a great conversation and we were very proud of all that she had accomplished this year.  Can't believe that there is only one year left in Bloomington.

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