Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Happy 24th Birthday Brett!

Today was Brett's 24th birthday and although he spent the majority of it working, he reported that he had had a fabulous day.  Out of all of Brett's positive qualities I believe that his ability to always focus on the positive is his best attribute.  Today he didn't complain that he had to go to class, work with his group on a challenging project, complete an assignment for his advisor, take a test for an employer and make time for a job interview.  Instead he worked hard to get it all done in time to go to dinner with one of his best friends.  When he called me at 11 p.m. to report that he had had a wonderful time and enjoyed the fish at Red Lobster, I could tell that he was beaming from ear to ear.

Job searching and finishing grad school have been his primary focus this semester.  He has received more rejection emails than I could even count, but all he talks about is the interviews he has coming up (which have been 1 to 3 every week since Christmas.)  He is positive that once April arrives and he is a month away from graduation that the offers will become more serious.  Even if they don't, he has a backup plan that includes living in Bloomington, a place he has grown to love.  He told me the other day that all of this can be frustrating at times, but overall he thinks it is an exciting time in his life as he gets ready to set out on an adventure.  What a wonderful way to view life.  Proud to call him son and can't wait to see what changes will take place for him before his next birthday.  Happy Birthday, Brett!!

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