Saturday, January 28, 2023

Saying Goodbye to Bloo

When we added a bedroom on the main level all of the Heinisch children got new bedrooms upstairs.  Before we rearranged the furniture, however, Doug repainted all of the rooms.  Each children got to pick the color.  Meg chose purple and Cameron picked Navy.  Brett and Cal moved into the upstairs master bedroom together and decided that they wanted bright green.  When Doug finished all of their requests, I asked them if they wanted any type of decoration on their wall.  Cameron was happy with having new blue walls with Winnie the Pooh wall hangings.  Meg asked for stars to match her Tinker Bell theme which I had fun painting for her.  That left only Brett and Cal to decide on a character or decoration for their wall.

I wasn't sure if they'd be able to decide on something together as they had separate favorite television shows and activities that they liked.  I was wrong, however, as they almost instantly decided on Bloo, one of the characters from "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends."  They were excited about it and I loved the idea.  I instantly began drawing the outline of Bloo on their wall.  Soon their "friend" was adorning a prime spot in the room greeting everyone who walked through the door.

As the years went by, the Heinisch children changed rooms several times.  Walls were repainted and decorations were taken down.  One thing remained constant, however.  That was Bloo.  No matter who took over the upstairs master bedroom or what color the room was painted, Bloo stayed on that wall, smiling at everyone who entered.  

When we started talking about projects that needed to be completed this winter, I realized that it was time to say goodbye to the Heinisch children's loyal friend.  I knew that the trees on Cameron's wall could be left as they fit any room theme, but Bloo was too specific and too prominent.  Doug had a free afternoon today and agreed that it was time.  Cameron said that he would take one last picture with Bloo before the character was covered over with purple paint.  Out of all of the projects that we have completed so far, today's was definitely the saddest one for me.  Cal agree with that wholeheartedly.  Brett's friend Patrick suggested that we paint Bloo in a new house once we move.  Who knows, maybe we will.  Until then, he will be missed here in the Heinisch home.  

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