Monday, January 30, 2023

Goal Accomplished - Impressive

When Brett finished graduate school, he had two goals in mind.  The first and most important was to find a job that would not only support him financially, but also give him room to grow and learn.  That took Brett about a couple of tries, but once he started at Storage Express, he found success and earned a promotion within a year.  The stability that he had in his career allowed him to follow two of his passions outside of work.  He became actively involved in the Republican party in Bloomington campaigning heavily for others in the 2022 election and eventually putting his name in the ring for city council.  Brett also focused on increasing his time at church and became an important member of his weekly Bible study group.  All of these successes while still being a loyal friend to those who knew him was extremely impressive.

This week, Brett met his second goal which was equally impressive.  Back in 2019, he decided that he wanted to lose weight.  As Brett knew that I had had struggled weight loss, he asked me what I thought about it.  I gave him my tips and encouraged him to check out Weight Watchers.  It was the only program that I had really had success with over the years.  I even offered to pay for the first three months for him.  He downloaded the app, set a weight goal and started to follow the program.  I offered one more incentive to him.  We had been reading the Disney Villains series and I told him that I would buy him the third one in the set if he met his goal.  He liked that idea and was very enthusiastic about the journey.

From the summer of 2019 to 2022 Brett lost weight, gained some back, followed his app, took a break from it for awhile, tried different foods, exercised a lot, found success, and became frustrated at times.  He never met his original goal during those three years, but came close several times.  This fall, Brett decided that he was going to completely focus on weight loss.  He said that he wanted to do this for his health and to feel better in general.  During the last three years Brett had come to realize that although exercise was a big part in helping him reaching his goal, the most important was to follow the food plan.  

With this new knowledge in hand, Brett worked very hard this fall and winter on watching what he ate.  He took some time off at the holidays and on his cruise, but overall was very diligent about sticking to the plan.  Monday morning he called me to let me know that he had finally met his original weight loss goal.  He couldn't believe it when he first stepped on the scale.  In fact, he moved it to several other places in the apartment to verify, but the weight all read the same.  I was super happy for him and could tell how proud he was of himself.  Even though we had long stopped reading the Disney Villains series, I ordered the Ursula book for him as soon as I put down the phone.  Whether anyone read it or not, it was a great reminding of how persistence really does pay off. 


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