Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Day Off for All

Doug took today off joining the rest of us already on Thanksgiving break.  Cal and Brett started their day off with flu shots.  Both found it interesting that it took more time to fill out the paperwork than it did to get the shot.  They were home by lunch time and Doug fixed paninis for all that were interested.  Meg also got a flu shot today, but added in a visit to the doctor for her cold sores.  Either the stress of midterms or the weather at IU had aggravated them this fall and she's had more than normal.  The doctor was able to give her medication that should help.  Grandma and Grandpa went to lunch with her afterward.

Cal spent his afternoon working and hanging out with HM.  He had broken his phone last night, so that put a minor glitch in his day.  Thankfully, we still had Meg's old one and I was able to set it up for him by the time he left.  Brett, Cam, Doug and I played Catan this afternoon.  Meg spent her time after lunch at Nick's and the evening with Sara.  I had done some early Black Friday shopping this morning, so after our game we went to Target to pick up my deals.  We ate dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings and then came home to play cards and set up our new purchases.  Cal was asleep on the couch, but was glad to hear that we now had a coffee maker in the Heinisch home.  We ended the evening with a game of Ticket to Ride.  Not sure why we keep playing as Doug has been routinely destroying us all.  Tonight was no different, but it was a lot of fun.

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