Friday, April 7, 2023

Good Friday

Doug has worked for several different companies over the years.  Some have had Good Friday scheduled as a holiday, others have not.  This year, I was sorry to hear that Brett, Meg and Cal all had to work today, but thankful that Doug did not.  Ok, so he did work in the morning from home, but at least he was free the rest of the afternoon.  It was nice having him here and we were able to get a lot done around the house.

Our first project took a little longer than expected.  Although Doug had painted the basement in December, he did not paint the television wall.  We knew that we would have to take the TV down to paint and we wanted to wait until after the Final Four was finished to do so.  This was the perfect day to start the project.  I just didn't realize how hard it would be to take the television off of the wall.  There was supposed to be a way to unlock the mounting mechanism, but nothing that we tried work.  In the end, Doug had to unbolt the entire system from the wall.  It was challenging, but after an hour of working on it, we finally got it down.  The painting was relatively easy compared to that.  The rest of the afternoon was spent working on a lot of other small tedious projects that needed done.  I was glad to have them checked off of our list.  The front door now closes a lot easier, and Meg's old bedroom door latched for the first time since she was born.  

Our day wasn't all projects.  We took a short walk around the neighborhood before Doug grilled brats for dinner.  Cameron played eighteen holes this afternoon, but was home tonight to eat with us.  The three of us also played Oh Hell with Grandma and Grandpa.  Once they left, we rented the thriller, "The Edge."  Cameron enjoyed it as much as we did when we first watched in at the drive-in theater in 1996.  Overall, our "Good" Friday lived up to its name.  

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