Saturday, February 20, 2021

Where Did All of This Stuff Come From?

 Doug and I decided last week that it was time to organize the furnace storage room.  We had planned to have a garage sale last spring, but with the pandemic that wasn't possible.  Thus, everything that the Heinisch children had cleaned out over the previous year was now on year two of sitting in our basement.  The room had become so crowded that we couldn't even get to the fuse box without climbing over boxes.  Meg and Brett had both mentioned that they had misplaced items and were sure that they were in the garage sale pile, thus, increasing my need for starting the project.

This morning I was very happy with my weekly progress.  I had marked many items for a garage sale at my parents' home this summer and was able to organize them into shared boxes.  We could actually walk into the storage room and not have to squeeze through a maze of cardboard.  Doug was even able to move a lot of what I had sorted along with five tubs of his Sports Illustrated magazines to my parents garage before he and Cameron left for his tennis match today.

The feelings of success started to wan as the day continued.  I worked for almost four hours on the basement while they were gone.  I had found several items that Bret and Meg had lost and ran across a few game systems that were worth quite a bit more money than when we first boxed them up.  Even with all of the progress I was more than ready for a break when they arrived.  I was definitely becoming overwhelmed, especially when I realized that there was still quite a bit to do.  Thankfully, they had brought food from Evilczech Brewery with them for dinner.  It was a nice treat and one of Cal, Doug and Cam's favorites.  

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