Friday, February 19, 2021

When It Rains It Pours

 Wednesday was stressful enough in dealing with the van and it's deflated tire, but the next twenty-four hours didn't do much to calm my nerves.  Once we got back from dropping off the van at Monteith Wednesday night, I started to hear a strange noise from the pipes in my bathroom and laundry room.  At first I thought it was nothing, but soon realized that every time I ran the water in those areas, there was a weird hissing noise followed by a pulsating water stream.  I wanted to believe it was from all of the snow and cold that we had been dealing with, but was pretty sure that I was wrong.  I said something to Doug about it, but he hadn't noticed anything.  Cam hadn't either, but Cal did say that the pump downstairs was clicking more often.  

After doing some research, both Doug and I came to conclusion that the bladder on the well pump was most likely going out and in turn causing air in our pipes.  As I read that it could cause more serious damage if not fixed, we thought it was best to have it looked at immediately.  Thankfully, Doug was able to get a hold of the plumber rather quickly and we soon found out that we were correct on our diagnosis.  The plumber was able to fix it temporarily while he waited for the parts to come in next week which was a relief.  

While the plumbing was being taken care of, Doug was on a call that confirmed what he had been thinking for quite some time.  He would have to travel either next week or the following one and would likely be gone for close to ten days.  As we talked through the logistics of him getting to the airport, Doug suggested using the Civic.  That would alleviate the concern of leaving the Pilot at the airpot for an extended period of time and would mean that I wouldn't have to spend two days getting him to Indy and back.  It sounded like a good idea except that the Civic's windshield wipers had been completely shredded from overuse.  Since we didn't know for sure how quickly Doug would be leaving, he called Monteith to check on their availability.  Fortunately, he was able to get the car in the same day.  Before he hung up he set up another appointment, but this time for the Pilot.  The metal piece in the van wheel left us a little unsure about the longevity of the Pilot's tires.  One had been leaking air and they all seemed to be a little worn.  

Feeling better about getting all of our vehicles ready for traveling, I mentioned that Cal would be moving to Chicago next week.  I wondered if it made sense to have his CR-V looked at as well.  He had been having problems with it leaking oil in the fall.  I wasn't sure when he would be back to have it checked again, so Doug set that appointment up for Monday.  While on the phone Doug found out that the Pilot was definitely in need of four new tires.  I was glad that we were able to fit everything in, but tired from all of the stress of the past two days.  Thankfully, the weekend arrived at 5 p.m. tonight and we were finally able to relax, play Ticket to Ride, work on our puzzle and while watching Harry Potter.  

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