Monday, February 1, 2021

There She Goes

 Meg left for Bloomington right after lunch today.  I cried as soon as she left, but got myself together fairly quickly.  I knew that she was more than ready to go, so instead of focusing on how much I would miss her, I thought about all of the fun that we had had these past few months.  The long walks, late night talks, grocery shopping trips, movie nights and family game time had been a wonderful way to pass the winter days.  One of the biggest positives of the pandemic was the added time that we got to spend with Meg these past ten months.  

That will change starting today.  Meg's return for her spring semester marked the last time that she would be home for an extended period time until August.  She will move into an apartment in June and take classes during the summer session at IU.  Thus, her time in Bloomington will only grow as her days in Syracuse wain.  I know that the thought of this was bittersweet for her.  She was excited to see her friends and gain more independence from us, but sad to think of leaving the security of home.  I was thankful for the morning to help her pack her car and to catch up with her before she left.  We talked hopefully of upcoming visits and what Rizzo would do without her.  I was glad that she already had made plans with her friends and had signed up for a Hoosier Catholic event this upcoming weekend.  I could hear in her voice how happy she was to be back in Bloomington when she called later that evening.  Nothing could be better than that.

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