Monday, August 22, 2022

Better Call Saul

Several years ago my parents told me that they thought that I would enjoy watching "Better Call Saul."  As a huge Breaking Bad fan, I thought it was a nice suggestion, but didn't really have much interest.  Saul Goodman was a scam lawyer on the original series and I just couldn't see them making a show about the character.  They said that one of my favorites, Mike, was also in it, but I just never made the time to start the series.

This past spring Cal told me that he had started watching the Better Call Saul and recommended it as well.  He said that he also was skeptical at first, but decided to try it.  He liked it much more than he would have ever thought and told me that a few of his friends actually enjoyed it more than Breaking Bad.  He also said that there were rumors that Walt and Jesse would be on the final season.  I decided after hearing that, that I would give it a try and I am so glad that I did.

Jimmy McGill, aka Saul Goodman, was a much more complex character than Breaking Bad portrayed him.  He had a brother that was completely unlikeable and a girlfriend that was the exact opposite.  Adding in Mike and Gus from the first series made it much more interesting than I would have dreamed.  I loved several of the other new characters as well, especially Ignacio (Nacho).  Saul seemed to always get himself into a jam and somehow find his way out of trouble, much like Walt and Jesse did.  Soon I was so hooked that I had watched more of the first five seasons than Cal had. 

Over the past couple of months, I talked about Better Call Saul so much that Doug agreed to watch the last season with me.  It started in April and concluded last Monday night.  There was a lot of action and several surprises especially in the first nine episodes.  The series didn't quite end the way that we had wanted, but we did really enjoy all of the cameos from Breaking Bad characters including Hank, Jesse and Walt.  

I realized tonight that I had spent all week thinking about Saul and Kim and how much I would miss the show.  The ending was still a hard one for me.  I believe that I would have liked it a lot better if it would have been more reminiscent of the last scene in Shawshank Redemption.  Either way, I did really enjoy the show and was glad that I gave it a chance.  

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