Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy Father's Day!

Doug celebrated Father's Day weekend by moving Meg into her new apartment.  It was a lot of work and we all appreciated his help, especially him driving the 26 foot U-Haul from Syracuse to Bloomington.  There was a lot to unload and set up and I know that we couldn't have done it without him.  We have gotten so used to all the hard work that Doug puts into being a fantastic father that sometimes we forget to thank him properly.  I was glad that we could do that this weekend by giving him fun gifts, taking him to dinner, playing golf and miniature golf with him and visiting the winery.  

Doug is definitely the rock that our family relies upon.  He loves being an involved father and it shows.  Even before we got married he talked a lot about that role and his expectations for fatherhood.  I know that it has been more challenging at times than he would have expected, but it also has been more rewarding than he could have ever dreamed of years ago.  He has high expectations for the Heinisch children, but never asks more of then than he does of himself.  I appreciate that quality in him as Brett, Cal, Meg and Cam have all being able to thrive in their respective environments because of his encouragement and support.  Meg would tell you that "It's Dad's world and we're all just living in it."  That may be true when he's holding the remote, choosing a restaurant or in control of the music on the Google Home mini, but overall he is a wonderful father that truly loves his children.  I am so thankful to be a part of the Heinisch family and couldn't imagine life without him in it.  Happy Father's Day, Doug!  As Cal's shirt read in his senior pictures, you truly are the Best.Dad.Ever!!

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