Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Colonoscopy Round 2

With Doug's family history of cancer his plan had always been to have a colonoscopy as soon as he turned 50.  The pandemic delayed that, but he was finally able to schedule one for today.  He used the same group of surgeons that I did only he had the other Gerig brother.  We arrived at the surgery center at 7 a.m. and thankfully Doug was the first patient scheduled for today.  Doug was a little nervous about the anesthesia as he hadn't been put under since he had his wisdom teeth out thirty-five years ago.  The process went as well as could be expected.  He had two small polyps removed and a small section of inflammation examined.  The doctor thought that he'd need to return for a second one in five years, but otherwise it was all good news.  Doug didn't remember much about the morning, but he did remark several times that he couldn't believe how easy the process was.  The anesthesia was different than he had had before, which made the recovery pretty painless.  

Cameron was up by the time we got home.  He headed to the golf course after he checked in with us.  Doug took a nap this morning, but was more than ready to get up and going by noon today.  He wasn't supposed to drive or do much of anything, but by 3 p.m. he was outside trimming bushes and cleaning the workbench. He even made dinner and had a bonfire set up for tonight.   I did stop him from chopping wood as I was worried about that.  I was glad that he felt well and that he could finally eat solid food again. He didn't mind the liquid diet yesterday, but the citrus magnesium was pretty difficult to choke down.  Thankfully, he has a five year reprieve until he has to drink that again.  

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