Friday, June 4, 2021

End of Golf Season

Golf season came to an end for the Bethany Bruins today at the Meadowvalley sectional.  The team finished in ninth place out of twelve which they were happy about.  Cameron led the team with a 90.  He was happy for his team, but frustrated with his round.  He had had a rough first eight holes which led to the higher than normal score.  He did shot a 42 on the second nine which helped to alleviate his mood.  He was even more disappointed when he found out that an 84 was good enough to qualify for regionals.  He had had five penalty shots and missed two short putts on those challenging holes or he would have made it out of sectionals.  Cameron handled the disappointment well talking about his plans for lessons this summer, work on his short game and ideas for the golf offseason after tennis ends.  

The rest of the day was a fun one for the Bethany golf team.  Their coach invited the boys to a day on the lake at his home on Dewart Lake.  They ate lunch together, played spike ball and took several rides on the boat.  Cameron enjoyed it very much.  Parents were invited later in the day for dessert and the end of the year awards.  Cameron was named MVP of his team.  We were excited for him, but happiest with the  friends that he made and the memories that he shared with his team throughout the season.  He had a great group to play golf with and an extremely supportive group of coaches.  We couldn't ask for anything more.  

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