Monday, March 15, 2021

Spring Forward, Fall Back - Please Just Make a Choice

 Yesterday was everyone's least favorite day of the year - the dreaded spring forward into Daylight Savings Time where we lose an hour of sleep for no apparent reason.  I have never quite understood the time change and how it applies to modern life, but someone must feel that it's still relevant as the tradition continued again this year.  Having it happen on a Sunday in theory makes sense as it gives the body a day to adjust, but honestly it usually takes a week or so to get used to the new time change and make up for the loss of sleep.  Cameron saw a statistic that read that it was the number one suicide day of the year.  I would believe that and so did Cal.  He said that as soon as midnight hit on Saturday, he instantly felt depressed.  Brett had to skip Sunday morning mass to try and adjust his sleep schedule.  Meg totally forgot about "springing forward" and stayed up extremely late Saturday night, therefore, screwing up her entire schedule on Sunday.  Doug and I must be feeling our age as we both made it through Sunday, but were instead completely wiped out this morning.  

If anyone wanted my opinion on how to improve Daylight Savings Time, I would suggest getting rid of it all together.  Living in Indiana I would totally stay in the current time zone.  I love the extra hour of daylight at the end of the day.  That allows for additional time outside playing golf, doing yard work, taking a walk or anything else that summer weather allows.  If we absolutely have to have Daylight Savings Time, then I would change when it happens.  How about 4 p.m. on a Wednesday? Then, everyone would get off of work an hour early and enjoy the break.  Or if the work week didn't make sense, then how about Friday night instead.  That would at least give my body several days to adjust to the change.  It didn't work in 2018, but maybe this time someone will listen to Marco Rubio as he reintroduced a bill in the Senate to get rid of falling back in November and keep states on Daylight Savings Time going forward.  I'd definitely vote for that.  Until that happens I'll just mutter through and complain about the time change to whoever will listen.

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