Friday, March 5, 2021

One Down, One To Go

Today was the day that I had been waiting for this entire year.  I got my first COVID-19 vaccination and couldn't be happier.  My appointment was at the Noble County Library in Albion.  I wasn't sure what to expect especially as there was someone directing traffic when I first arrived.  It was definitely more crowded then I thought it would be, but overall it was easy to social distance except at the registration area.  Between that and the volunteers with masks below their noses, I was thankful for the plastic bearer and the quick process.  

As excited as I was about getting my shot, I was still definitely nervous.  The media had focused a lot on the rare cases of those that had extreme reactions to the immunization.  With all of the allergic reactions that I had had over the years, I was a little bit afraid of being in the minuscule amount that had problems.  Thankfully, I had an epipen.  The nurse who gave me the vaccination was also concerned since I was allergic to bee stings.  He told me to wait thirty minutes before I left instead of fifteen to make sure that I did not have any adverse reactions.  Even the gentleman who showed me where to sit while I waited went over the symptoms that would be most concerning.  I knew from what I read that reactions almost always occurred within two minutes.  Therefore, my anxiety went way down after that time period.  Before I left the  library, they scheduled me for my second vaccination on April 5th.  

I had texted Cal, Cam, Doug, Brett and my Mom while I was waiting to let them know that it went well.  Meg was driving to West Lafayette while I was at the library so I called her on my drive home.  She was just as happy as I was that we had made it to this point.  Once I got home, Cam and I kept talking about how ironic it was that we had just talked earlier in the week about me getting closer to being vaccinated and now I already had my first shot.  I wasn't able to call Doug on my drive home, but touched base with him after work.  Not only was I ecstatic to tell him about my vaccination, I was also thrilled to let him know that he had an appointment to get the Johnson & Johnson one and done shot on March 12th.  

The light at the end of the tunnel is definitely close.  I am incredibly proud of our entire family for taking the steps to keep Doug and I safe during this pandemic.  Five more weeks and our life will return to some semblance of normalcy.  I can't wait.

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