Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Finals Week - Sort Of

 When IU decided to open campus only until Thanksgiving break, professors were given a choice of ending classes early or to continue until Christmas break online.  The Kelley Business School chose the first option.  Thus three of Meg's classes were scheduled to end this week.  Several of the instructors planned very well for the early end covering the material in a timely manner and providing students with ample opportunity to study for the newfound week of finals.  Others did not, however, and tried to cram as much material in as they could giving students very little time to get ready for their tests.

Meg had both types of professors this semester and found herself trying to learn quite a bit of new material this past weekend in some classes while reviewing past lessons in others.  It was a good weekend for her to stay in and study since most of her friends were unavailable to do anything either due to COVID restrictions or because of their own upcoming finals.  She was able to get out of the apartment multiple times, however,  She also started packing for home, watched several Disney movies and even took a long walk with Brett on Friday.  

Yesterday, Meg had an Econ test to start off her pseudo finals week.  She felt really good about it and planned on working on accounting next.  Her tests in accounting, business law and business regulations would make for a long rest of the week.  She wasn't excited about it, but felt ready.  She had done well this semester and knew that learning the material early had made a big difference in preparing for finals.  Overall, Meg was just happy to know that after this week she would only have three classes to worry about for the rest of the semester - Econ, Fairy Tales, and Yoga.  She was looking forward to having down time at home while she finished those three.  

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