Monday, November 23, 2020

A Good Day for All

 Brett was up, packed and ready to head home by 11 a.m. this morning.  He had enjoyed his visit with us, spent time with his grandparents, played a few of his favorite games, and copied the piano music he wanted before he left.  He had plans to meet with friends before he had to work tomorrow and to Facetime with Rachael as well.  Grandma had loaded him up with groceries so he was able to forgo a shopping trip before he left.  It was great to see him and hopefully our plans to meet again on the 28th of December will work out for everyone.

Cal texted us this morning to let us know that he had earned an 83 on the second portion of his CPA exam.  We were extremely glad to hear that.  He has worked hard on the test.  Passing two sections before his job started in January was always the goal and he had met that already.  When Doug and Meg told me that the CPA was harder than the bar exam, I was even more impressed.

Meg has enjoyed a quiet couple of days at home so far.  She has done yoga, ate some of her favorite foods, hung out with Rizzo and taken daily walks with me.  Nick has visited several times and she let me know today that she would probably just stick with seeing him over break as COVID outbreaks seem to be rampant among her friend groups right now.  

Cam finished classes at 3:30 and was ready for a five day break from school.  He was looking forward to playing Madden, watching the start of the basketball season and hanging out with Bailee one of the days over break.  She turned sixteen today and he already had her gift ready.

Doug has become extremely busy at work which has been happy about.  He had several meetings yesterday and a lot to focus on today.  He took tomorrow off, but will still work at home over part of the Thanksgiving holiday.  I was glad for him as it had been pretty slow from April to August. 

I have enjoyed having everyone around this week even if we have to wear masks in the house.  We weren't sure a month ago if we were even going to have a Thanksgiving break with everyone.  It has given us time to relax and visit with one another.  Thankful that we still have five more days left to enjoy.  

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