Wednesday, March 11, 2020

It's Getting Real

IU announced yesterday that they would be suspending in person class for two weeks after Spring Break due to the Coronavirus outbreak in the United States.  Students were encouraged to spend the extra hiatus at home, but dorms, dining halls and libraries were open for those who needed to stay in Bloomington.  Classes would be taught online so students would stay on track for finishing the semester May 7th.

I wasn't surprised when I got the news as several other Big Ten schools had made the same choice earlier in the week.  I was disappointed, however, for Meg and Cal.  They had both adapted to college life and love the independence of it.  Neither wanted to come home for two extra weeks leaving their friends and social life behind.  Cal was extremely disappointed tonight when I took he, HM and Brett to Bub's for dinner.  He was sure that they would go ahead and cancel in person class for the rest of the school year meaning that he would miss his last Little 500, senior week and graduation.  The thought of that was sad, but overall I was impressed with how well he was handling the news.

Meg called me later that evening crying.  She had finished Bible study and hanging out with her friends afterward.  She couldn't believe that she was saying goodbye to them for what could end up being five months.  She had really made great connections at St. Paul's and didn't want the fun that she was having to end.  She also hated e-learning in high school and wasn't looking forward to an online education.  She wasn't alone in being disappointed, but she did stop feeling bad for herself once she thought of Cal.  Unlike her, he wouldn't be returning in August.  His days as a college student in Bloomington could be over forever.  Meg said that it reminded her of our vacation to Walt Disney World in January, a wonderful trip with a terrible ending.  I told her that we made it through that situation and I was sure that we would survive this one as well.  Hopefully, she and Cal will both be able to return to IU in April and continue the life that they loved.

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