Monday, July 9, 2018

Twenty Down, Fourteen More to Go!

One of the reasons that I decided to quit teaching was to focus on my health.  In fact the plan was to make that my number one priority.  I had gained weight this year and the swelling in my feet had risen into my legs.  I was also having intense pain in my left leg and back.  I knew that if I didn't do something these problems would only get worse.  Thus, as soon as we got back from Bloomington in early June I laid out an plan.  I would work daily on strengthening my legs and back which included setting a goal of 10,000 steps a day on my FitBit.  Lastly, I joined Weight Watchers to start eating healthy.  

I wasn't sure what to expect when I started my quest on June 3rd.  I had had success on Weight Watchers years ago, but was younger and could exercise more intensely.  With the broken ankle and the arthritis in my knee I was restricted by the rheumatologist in what I was physically able to do.  I  didn't let that stop me and went into my health adventure with a positive attitude fueled by the new Weight Watchers points menu.  Chicken, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruit were now zero point foods.  Carbohydrates and sugars were valued at a much higher point value then they were years ago, but that didn't bother me as I liked so many of the other foods on the low point list.  

Doug decided that he would also start a healthy eating plan as well which meant that it would be even easier for me to follow.  Today was the five week mark and I was thrilled this morning when I weighed in. I had officially lost twenty pounds.  Since I started this new lifestyle I had stayed within my smart points and gotten in 10,000 steps or more every day even when we were on vacation.  I felt better and the swelling in my legs and feet were gone.  I had set my goal at thirty-four pounds and wasn't sure in the beginning if that was realistic.  I know it may not come as quick as the first twenty, but I feel confident that I can make it happen.  

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