Sunday, March 17, 2019

St. Patrick's Day

We followed our normal routine for celebrating St. Patrick's Day.  First we went to mass where Doug was an usher, Meg was a lector and Cam was an altar server.  Cam and Meg had extra duties today as Cam had to train a younger server and Meg had to read for the Signs of the Cross.  They both did very well.  Joey and Nick joined us for mass and afterward we all went to the Knights of Columbus for their annual corn beef and cabbage lunch.

Meg and Nick went to South Bend later in the day while Joey and Cam hung out here playing basketball and walking through the trails in our neighborhood.  They ran into quite a few deer in the woods.  Doug and I finally got all of the pictures hung back up on the living room walls from when he painted.  We also got the doors ready for me to paint tomorrow.  My parents stopped by to watch the NCAA March Madness selection show with Cameron.  No one was surprised by the seeds this year.  Doug made minestrone for dinner and we then spent the rest of the evening working on The Marauder's Map and watching our favorite Irish movie - The Quiet Man - the perfect way to end our quiet St. Patrick's Day.

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