Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Happy Birthday Grandpa Cutes!

Today was Grandpa Cutes' 76th birthday and we celebrated with pizza, cake, pie and a few rounds of Euchre.  Although it wasn't extremely warm this afternoon, he did get a chance to play some golf as well.  Our gift this year wasn't exactly what he asked for, but we liked it a lot.  For several years Grandpa Cutes had wanted a Goofy head cover for his driver.  We had looked everywhere for one, including Disney World, but just wasn't able to find one.  Because of that he said he'd take a Snoopy head cover instead, but the price was outrageous and it didn't fit a driver.  Thus, Meg and I were excited when we found a Yoda driver cover at Dick's last weekend.  The boys thought it was great as well and soon it will be part of his golf set.  At first we told him that it looked like him, but in the end we realized that he was correct - Yoda actually looked identical to Bernie Sanders.  Either way, it will be a fun conversational piece when he plays golf with his friends and he will think of the Heinisch children every time he uses it.  We were happy to celebrate his day with him.

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