Sunday, March 24, 2019

Les Miserables

Doug and I spent this afternoon at the Morris Civic Theater in South Bend watching Les Miserables.  I had ordered our tickets in September and was incredibly happy to be attending today's performance.    It was absolutely wonderful.  The songs were very well done and we were both impressed with the cast.  I had listened to the soundtrack hundreds of times over the years and loved seeing my favorites sung live, especially One Day More.

I had used my last teacher's bonus to purchase our seats which made it even more special to me.  It was nice knowing that I was able to celebrate my final year of teaching by attending the best Broadway show that I had ever seen.  My favorite part was sharing it with Doug.  It was a fun afternoon and we topped it off with dinner at Bonefish Grill complete with macadamia nut brownies for dessert.  It will be awhile before we will be able to do this again, so I will cherish the memory for quite some time.

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