Saturday, March 23, 2019

Chess Boy

Last night Doug and Cam left for Bloomington.  Cam's chess team was scheduled to play in the team state tournament at Martinsville today.  The location was perfect for our family as Cam and Doug could stay at Brett's and enjoy some time in Bloomington.  They left early enough to make it to dinner at Bucceto's last night without any problem.  Doug was happy with his spinach, anchovy and ricotta calzone.

This morning Doug took Cam to his tournament at Martinsville High School.  The school was located in a fairly sketchy area, but other than that the day went very well for Cameron.  He was 5-0 in his matches helping his team to earn 2.5 points which put them in 14th place for the day.  I talked to Cam as soon as it was over.  He was very happy with his play.  Not only had he won all of his matches, but he had beaten a very good player from Canterbury.  All of his opponents today except for one were rated higher than he was, making his wins even more impressive.  He was also very glad that IU beat Arkansas today in the second round of the NIT.  He didn't get to watch it, but he did listen to it during a match.

While Cam was at chess, Doug spent part of the day in Bloomington with Brett.  They were able to visit Oliver Winery and Nick's before Doug headed back to Martinsville.  I opted not to go with Doug this weekend, so I could spend time with Meg.  First she had tennis practice, so I finished painting the doors while she was gone.  Once she got home, we went to South Bend to do a little shopping and to eat dinner at Portillo's.  It was a lot of fun.  We made it home just before Cam and Doug arrived.

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